Sunday, December 18, 2005

I had a dream, not so much a dream as much as wishful thinking. I was in that state beetween sleep, dream, and awakening. I could see nothing but I could hear everything. Judy and Kent must have been talking about something, but in my mind I turned it into the perfect wistful fantasy.

I was asleep at home and there was a function, a birthday or Christmas, something that involved people talking outside your door in exited tones. Hot cups of ginger tea would be ready when I go downstairs. Along with beings that light up with the very sight of your drool-encrusted sleepy face.

I did not want to wake. Foolishly I thought I could will myself to sleep forever and not have to wake up. Maybe that's why I woke up at 6pm. But outside it looks, feels and sounds like 9pm. Rain hasn't stopped. Still feels like I'm trapped in the sounds and memories of the rain from yesterday, playing in an endless loop like a Mobius strip.